Saturday, October 13, 2007

It seems like I wrote this book...."When Food is Love"

I am reading Geneen Roth's When Food is Love. It seems like I've written the book that explores the relationship between eating and intimacy. I first remember seeing this book at a girlfriend's house about 8 years ago. I found this book again and have been reading it slowly. I am devouring the book and I bring it in to read to Dr. V and she says. "uhm did you change your name and write this book? I swear it's taken out of our conversations together." This book is an excellent example for me at least in regard to the reasons behind why we eat and what we eat. Our relationship with food today really has nothing to do with our current situations rather it deals with why we wont access those really painful situations that we encountered earlier in life.

Besides this book there is also a Geneen Roth website with great articles and other resources that help me to examine why we eat what we eat.

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