Saturday, October 27, 2007


I took my time looking for a sponsor this time around. The last sponsor I had was chosen too quickly and for how she looked on the outside.

When I first came to OA, a well meaning soul pointed out two people and told me to ask. Fortunately, both of these people were full. Another person came along who looked promising and she was full. Another one had great physical recovery but I wasnt so sure about emotions.

Then I met my sponsor. It makes me think of how small this world is and how people who are fundamentally different in lifestyles and beliefs can share so much when it comes to food and addictions. It is on this path of the 12 steps that we meet our trudge buddies and our guides for the journey.

All my sponsor asks of me each day is to write about 2 paragraphs from the OA 12 and 12 and email it in to her. I also email her my food for the day. I have also started calling her everday since I have been a bit gunshy about calling people since I fear rejection. I have really come to enjoy our talks. We also text message a bit too.

I just had a great dinner with my sponsor and another friend who also has this woman for a sponsor. It was a great abstinent meal that makes me grateful for being in OA and not having to do this alone.

As I dropped off my friend, she said Im glad you were born and glad you came to OA.

I couldn't ask for more.

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